Ok, there's no real mission but here's the "why"
It's simple actually; to provide a positive reading experience for you and your kids or grandkids or someone else's kids. Perhaps it's also to stress the importance of family, being supportive, having fun and being good, generally.
Since we had twins in 2007, I've been saying to anyone that cares (or doesn't) that one of my primary jobs as a Dad is to make sure that they're friends when they're adults. And if they aren't, then I failed. While they are as different as can be from one another, and they do still grate on one another at times, I'm encouraged. In fact, I have little doubt at this point. But I can't take credit. There is no singular leader in our family. Sue and I take turns, we all do. We all have our roles. Four spokes in one wheel. Sure, Mom and Dad do all of the leading at the start but as our children grow, so too do their roles and responsibilities.
I can't believe it but mine are already turning into young men right before my eyes.
I love being a dad and lord knows I marvel at how good my wife Sue is at being a mother. She is simply incredible and she pushes me to be a better Dad every day. I think raising kids into good people is the most important job offer we can accept. The pay is incredibly painful. The hours are... every minute per week...it's tiring and it leaves you questioning yourself at times, or at least it does me, and it's also the very last thing I would ever trade away.
Sorry, this got a little more serious and lectury than I intended.
...because I felt like it, that's why! :)